&& When words speaks
*&% Without me, you're just so a w e so...
Friday, October 30, 2009, 11:50 PM
you're gonna hafta sooner or later, i suggest to learn now..
, 10:40 PM
... But still ;P He did make me laugh <3 LOL, byebye, jam. Monday, October 26, 2009, 6:01 PM
highlights of my day (:
Me: You love Deeba, and Deeba loves you. Tony: Love? :| Me: Mhm. Tony: How can you say you 'love' someone when you're in grade eight? You have your whooole life ahead of you. truuuuue! Science Abeson: Oh my God! I need to harvest my red tulips, or else they're all gonna die. In my head i was like what the fuck?! He's a gardener? Me: Really?! Abeson: Yeah, on Farmville. LMFAO! Oh man. You silly goose :D Anyhoo, during lunch recess, my dad came to school and booked me and Ian hugging. So for the rest of recess I acted like I didn't see him. So when I got home I tried to start a topic cause I knew he would ask about it if I didn't. So I was like "Where's Jessica?" and what not. Then blah blah. After, he was like "Oh Jaimie, I was at your school. Did you see me?" I was like "Oh, nope." Then after he was like "Yeah right. How come Denisse came running to me and you didn't, hmm?" So yeah, he basically acted like he didn't see me and Ian. LOL. Good job Dad (: But knowing my Dad, he wouldn't bring that up anyways. Phew. I'm safe. Hallelujah. ^ Yeah, not the highlight of the day. More like what Abeson told me up there, so yeah :P gotta finish homework. later, jam. p.s. notice how i used capital letters, and what not. i tried typing properly for once. LOL. , 5:54 PM
i love you..?
just saying (: jam. Wednesday, October 21, 2009, 8:06 PM
suck up much?
later stalkers, jam. , 8:04 PM
^ watch, i'ma tell someone who this is about, then someone's gonna go off and tell that person. gawhd. gaaaaay! Sunday, October 18, 2009, 10:10 PM
You see this distance it's just tearing us up apart But I'm willin to work this out cause I love you will all my heart You see, that I'm doing whatever it takes just to keep you here But sometimes shit gets hella ugly and I can't keep my mind clear And baby... Sometimes I know we start to yell and raise both of our voices Then we start to bitch at each other makin these beeped out noises Sometimes you accuse me of doing something in which would hurt you But I just wish you would just see everything through my p o i n t o f v i e w Cause I love you and I promise that I won't ever do you wrong I promise that I'll make this relationship work and last long And don't you ever think that I would 'Cause ain't nothing in this world can erase the things we been through I love you Sometimes I know we start to argue Sometimes I know that it gets hard to disagreeing about somethings and then we fight and cuss But everytime you leave I end up missing you so much Sometimes I know we start to argue Sometimes I know that it gets hard to disagreeing about somethings and then we fight and cuss But everytime you leave I end up missing you so much I'm sorry for acting up and being strange It's just the effect you give me 'cause your love is out of range And it hurts just to go through, a whole weekend alone without you Without you I can't smile cause baby I don't know how to But I thank you for all the things that you have done for me From being the best boyfriend to catering all of your love to me I must be the luckiest kid alive to have somebody like you But I just hate the fact that sometimes we start to argue And, yes, things could be better but I'm glad it isn't worse Being in the search of love and finding our trust is thirst But the fact that we don't see any trust in each other hurts That's why I get insecure sometimes because I'm still in search So don't think that I don't love you whenever I get mad I know you start to cry and I know that you get sad It's just sometimes we don't realize the things we do 'Cause half the time we just don't see that we're just being true And I love you Sometimes I know we start to argue Sometimes I know that it gets hard to disagreeing about somethings and then we fight and cuss But everytime you leave I end up missing you so much Sometimes I know we start to argue Sometimes I know that it gets hard to disagreeing about somethings and then we fight and cuss But everytime you leave I end up missing you so much sometimes- shiny. later, jam. , 8:37 PM
denisse plus wink wink ;)
looooove, jam. Friday, October 16, 2009, 8:37 PM
i guess you can say i get scared, right.
& i hope you know that... Thursday, October 15, 2009, 5:37 PM
PMS-ing man.
definition uno: Around a woman's period - for some its before, some its after, and some its during, they start to go through mood swings and become very emotional. Yes, they'll bitch and blow up at the smallest things out of nowhere and then go back to feeling normal. But also the littlest things can make them cry at times. ^HELLYEAH. gawhd, i started crying cause i heard this girl's name. AND THEEEN, i was like WHY AM I CRYING?! then yeah, i realized i was on my yknoooow. so yeah (: don't piss me off or i'll fucken spazz. :@ definition dos: You NEVER want to be around a girl when she does this, or ask her out around this special time. If you do, she will fucking bitch you out, cuss you out, possibly slap, hit, bite, scratch you, you get what I mean. Then the worst thing is the next time you talk to her she acts like she doesn't remember a fucking thing! ^LMFAOLMFAOLMFAO, oh man (: , 5:06 PM
oh damn.
“God doesn’t give you the people you want. He gives you the people you need. To hurt you, to love you, to teach you, to break you, to turn you into the person you’re supposed to be.” Thursday, October 8, 2009, 5:24 PM
gtfo. simple as that.
"The shit that you hear about me can either be true or as fake as the bitch you heard it from. ![]()
camilledelacruz. karizasantos. angeleeavero. denissebarbero. ryanguiang. desireedespa. nicolenewhook. romperez. marielgascon. kellyatienza. karenosting. backtoyesterday
+ stop flirting. seriously =/ + pikachu! + you're gonna hafta sooner or later, i suggest to l... + <3 + highlights of my day (: + i love you..? + suck up much? + snaaaaake! + sometimes... + denisse plus wink wink ;) wheni'mgone
+ September 2009 + October 2009 + November 2009 HAAA-LUUH
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